Thanks, Tilly! And yes you are right, though I believe white women didn’t get full suffrage in Australia until 1926. This is mainly because despite them getting the vote in all places across Australia prior to World War I, they were restricted from standing for office in many places, and it took until 1926 for the last state to allow women to stand. So vote yes, but full suffrage no, it’s one of those oddities where for some reason those in Australia back then didn't seem to have an issue so much with women voting, just standing for office.
You may find this link of interest:
Though of interest, South Australia were well ahead of the time, granting full suffrage to at least white woman back in 1894. They were 2nd to grant suffrage behind only New Zealand.
Though of course, like you say, unfortunately Australia’s version didn’t include everyone sadly.
Anyway, thanks for the comment. You’re certainly right, the story is a complex one!