Indeed, that is one of the many problems with them. I believe even with that taken into account, the consensus is that there is still typically more in liberal societies. This is mainly because of two factors. The crazy amount of abuse that goes on between the age ranges of 15 and 25, and then the break of the downward spiral where women see a spike upwards between the ages of 35 and 44. This mainly comes from single women who are looking for children and end up getting desperate due to their biological clocks and unfortunately end up paying the price in their efforts for getting children.
It has to be remembered that the liberal society model is still extraordinarily new, hopefully, as we get more to grips with the nature of this world we are creating, we will be able to come up with education systems and protocols that make a safer world for everyone. Hopefully, a world that will be far safer than the old world.
Thanks for reading!