An ex girlfriend of mine was like this, she had BV and trying to gently explain that she likely had it, when she had no idea what it was let alone that she likely had it, was one the most awkward conversations I’ve ever had, especially considering we had not been dating long.
She took it well at first and went to the doctors who confirmed the problem, gave her some tablets and told her to buy a cream from the pharmacist.
She then for some reason only half took the tablets, refused to buy the cream, or let me buy it for her. Inevitably the problem did not go away, several months passed by, then she started demanding oral sex out of the blue, I mentioned the problem again, that she had not sorted it. She went to the doctors, half took the tablets, refused to buy the cream or let me buy it for her, then started raging about feminism and the patriarch and inequality, then said if I liked her pussy and believed in equality I would go down on her.
I told her if she respected me she would sort the problem out first. She refused and this continued until we broke up.
The whole experience was surreal, but I put it down to the fact that she had zero sex education, a fact she admitted because she came from a religious background, a fact I also blamed for the problem.
It was sad really and I'll never fully understand just what was going on, but I'm certain it was linked to education and the way that affected her feelings and how she was able to deal with the situation. So I totally agree that education and improving it, especially around sex, and anatomy, would massively help improve peoples sex lives.