A great question, with no easy answer. If you want my opinion, we need more government based support systems to help businesses get off the ground. Businesses also need better protection so they can’t just be taken over before they can grow. That means we need systems that can help grow businesses, while protecting businesses from predatory takeovers.
A lot more would need to be done on top of this of course, but that would be a good step in the right direction, then take things from there and just keep building until eventually those lower down, are more able to build businesses that have a chance of growing and competing.
In the end, that’s the problem right now, there simply are not enough businesses at the top competing with each other, so we have to create an environment where more businesses can grow and compete because then inevitably, the gap between the top and the bottom will reduce, as the wealth gets spread across a wider base of businesses.
Hope this helps, thanks for the comment!